칼 라이트먼 박사는 범죄에 연루된 친구 테리 마치를 자신이 왜 그리 감싸는지 직원들이 이해하지 못하자, 파트너 질리언에게 자신의 과거사를 털어놓습니다.
Cal : My mom died when I was young, and my dad was long gone by then. Terry and his family, they took me in. Even though there was no room and even less money. And one day, Terry and I got into a little bit of trouble with the police. Not your concern, but they were on their way. And no way we could get out of it without one of us acting as decoy for the other.①
Jillian : So Terry took the fall for you?②
Cal : Yeah, he did. He said, “You’re supposed to use that brain of yours for something, not be dragged down into the muck by stupid bastards like me.”
Jillian : He was right.
Cal : Yeah. It cost him three years of his life.③ So anyone who wants to compete for my loyalty with Terry March not really in a fair fight.④
- 시즌2 에피소드 5 중에서
① Not your concern, but they were on their way. And no way we could get out of it without one of us acting as decoy for the other.
몰라도 되는데, 어쨌건 경찰은 들이닥치지 도망칠 데는 없지, 둘 중 하나가 미끼 구실을 해야 했어.
Not your concern/ business는 ‘당신은 몰라도 돼요’라는 뜻입니다. act as decoy는 ‘미끼 구실을 하다’라는 의미로, decoy는 ‘미끼’나 ‘꾀어내는 수단’을 뜻하죠. ‘A decoy was used to attract birds’는 ‘새들을 유인하기 위해 미끼가 쓰였다’는 뜻입니다.
② So Terry took the fall for you?
그래서 테리가 뒤집어쓴 거야?
take the fall for someone은 ‘누군가를 위해 죄를 뒤집어쓰다’라는 뜻입니다. ‘I had to take the fall for my brother(남동생 죄를 뒤집어써야 했다)’처럼 사용합니다.
③ It cost him three years of his life.
그것 때문에 그 친구는 3년형을 살았지.
cost someone ~years of life는 ‘~년간 감옥살이했다’는 의미의 완곡한 표현입니다. ‘Stealing cost him one year of his life(그는 도둑질로 1년형을 살았다)’처럼 쓰죠.
④ So anyone who wants to compete for my loyalty with Terry March not really in a fair fight.
그러니 내 충성심을 놓고 테리 마치랑 겨루는 건 사실 공평한 싸움이 될 수 없지.
be in a fair fight는 ‘공평한 싸움을 하다’라는 뜻입니다. loyalty for/ with someone은 ‘~에 대한/ 향한 충성심’을 의미해요.