사람들은 행복을 찾는 능력이 있거나 항상 가진 것 이상의 무엇을 추구한다고 생각하는가? 이 문제에 관해 독서, 학습, 경험 또는 관찰에서 얻은 논리와 예를 가지고 당신의 주장을 입증하시오.
-SAT Essay 주제
[학생 작문] Happiness is the ultimate goal of life for almost all people. However, people often misunderstand where happiness lies or how happiness [1] comes to their lives. Nowadays, many search [2] happiness in money, sex [3] and ill drugs, believing that those will provide them with a shortcut to [4] substitute for happiness. Also, people often [5] mistake that happiness never existed until their desire is fulfilled. However, I believe that happiness exists everywhere, even in the process of searching for happiness. Thus, people are more than capable of finding happiness [6], even though they continually “search for something beyond what they have.”
It is [7] innate that people work and struggle to find happiness. Although many complain about getting up in the morning and [8] taking the painful shower everyday to go to work, people go to work to earn money [9] , so that [10] they can fulfill the necessary need to gain happiness, whether [11] it is shelter, food, car or leisure. [12]
What many do not realize is that through their lives [13] they find [14] and feel happiness even though they [15] have not achieved their [16] goal of life. Even though [17] the everyday work seems laborious and [18] painful, [19] they actually feel happy that they have successfully [20] taken a part of society. In other words, ‘a hard day’s work’ makes people happy. This can be [21] proven through a brief personal example that I believe many have [22] felt during their adolescence. I [23] have been terribly sick once, and [24] although the pain had grown very large in me, I was happy [25] to not go to school for a [26] pretty long time. However, I [27] had felt very bored after [28] couple days of missing school, even though [29] video games and [30] cartoon shows accompanied me at home. I realized that I was actually [31] happy when [32] going to school and having fun with friends and teachers at school. Even though [33] the goal for me then was to finish school and move on to junior high [34], I was happy during the process of achieving [35] the goal. Likewise, even though [36] people all have goals [37] to pursue happiness, during the process of finding happiness, they already have acquired it.
Some people tend to think negatively about their lives and [38] abase themselves that they will never be happy again. However, they should never lose hope for it is easy to find happiness because happiness [39] waits even in the process of achieving [40] the ultimate happiness. [41] Anyone is more than capable of finding happiness [42] for it only takes a slight change in people’s mindsets.
[Comment] You wrote a really good essay. You organized it very well, and you used good examples. I have already commented that your first body paragraph would have been better with more explanation. As you can see, your first body paragraph is a lot shorter than your second paragraph. It seems to be a bit unbalanced. It would also have been good to mention that people find happiness in small things like the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, sunshine, a pretty flower or other things. People find happiness in these things even though they may not always realize it. You used a nice variety of sentence structures in your essay and you don’t have any errors in your structure. You still have some errors in grammar and some awkward expressions, so pay attention to how I have corrected those.
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