주간동아 610


과외활동 왜 중요한가

  • Felix Clavis 대표

    입력2007-11-12 10:05:00

  • 글자크기 설정 닫기
    과외활동 왜 중요한가

    미국 뉴욕대 전경

    [문제 1] Please explain why you decided which extracurricular activity on your list was the most important to you.

    과외활동 리스트에서 어떤 과외활동이 당신에게 가장 중요한지 그 이유를 설명하시오. - New York University 2006년도 대학입시 주제

    [학생 작문] [1] As a voluntary activity, I was involved in [2] VANK, an online [3] association [4] of millions of people who were dedicated to [5] get Korea known the right way. [6] I worked hard to promote [7] the right image of South Korea by sending emails and letters to prominent figures around the world, and telling pen pals of the true Korea with photos. Through [8] dedicated hard work, I was promoted as an Ambassador, and later awarded the Ambassador of the Month award. It was an amazing experience because I myself was able to study Korea [9] even closer, and was able to acquire a [10] basic sense of my ethnic background. The VANK community was such an important event in my life, because its activities revealed to me that even the most “accurate” facts could be wrong, and [11] biased by certain views. While promoting the truth, [12] my act of contacting other people around the world [13] and communicating with them provided me a [14] valued experience that I [15] would not probably be able to acquire [16] through elsewhere.


    [1] As a voluntary activity, 삭제

    [2] VANK → Volunteer Agency Network of Korea : 처음 도입할 때는 약어 대신 전체 이름을 사용한다.

    [3] volunteer 삽입 [4] → that is [5] → changing the image of Korea.

    [6] Given the distortions of Korea in foreign textbooks, guidebooks and other international media, 삽입

    [7] → an accurate image [8] dedicated 삭제 [9] → more closely

    [10] → basic outline [11] → distorted by biased views.

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